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Excellent Podcast
I look forward every week to listening to your podcast. So many great topics. Caitlin had me craving ramen noodles at 8:00 am one week. Love the guests but it is just great with Jann, Caitlin and Adam.

Luv this podcast
I love listening to the podcast. Nice to hear what’s up with Jann, Caitlin and Adam. They talk about anything and everything.

Post Traumatic Growth
I was listening to Christmas episodes I missed as I delivered accounting items to our accountant who is helping us w our 6th! GST audit. Post traumatic growth is how I felt driving home. I really enjoy listening to you three banter away. Keep up the 5 star bantering.

Thank you
Thanks for today’s podcast. Having just lost my little dog I was feeling down about Christmas. But you are so right about helping others. A friend called yesterday and needed help with some handicap equipment because she was being sent home from the hospital after a surgery from the day before because they needed the bed due to ‘Crazy Covid’ and I felt so good being able to help in such a small way. I realized after listening to your Podcast that she gave me a ‘gift’ of feeling useful. Thanks again Merry Christmas.

Jann, Caitlyn and Adam ROCK!
I feel like Jann, Caitlyn and Adam are old friends sitting around the kitchen table drinking coffee and shooting the breeze about everything and anything. I love Caitlyn’s depth of knowledge about all things trending. I love Adam’s thoughtful and very important perspective on the topics … plus his great behind the scenes production, and finally I love Jann for being herself, for raising important topics … but also for just talking about such things as what Icelanders eat at Christmas. I often listen while soaking in the bath … the friendly banter is always a de-stressor.